05 December 2010

The Etsy Experiment


So I just started my Etsy shop back in October. So I guess I didn't just start it. I've had three sales in nearly three months. It's not too bad when you look at it like that.

For those unaware, Etsy is a site devoted to crafters and artists who are trying to sell their craft. It's a really interesting site in that it provides a unique little outlet for those who want to make and sell their wares as well as for those of us who like to purchase those nice handmade items which we ourselves can't make.

I came to Etsy as a buyer because one of my professors wives had a shop and was selling beautiful prints. About a year or so later some friends who sold there (and one who just thought it would be a good idea) talked me into having my own shop. (Funny that after they convinced me it took another three months to start posting on the site.)

Initially, I was really paranoid about what the shop should look like and what my policies should be. I find this little quirk in Etsy to be quite interesting. Each seller gets to make their own policies as long as they fall under the general umbrella of the main Etsy Dos and Don'ts.

Now that I've been working there a bit, I don't know that the policies or the bios are read all that often. Sure its helpful if you're solely one type of crafter or if you only use recycled materials, but as an omnivore (for lack of a better term) these labels don't seem as useful. I like to craft and I hope that shows at my shop.

At times I feel that Etsy is made for the is made for the crafter who is focused on the one craft and making it to perfection. But maybe not. Maybe the eclectic crafter is able to meet the needs of a wider audience it just takes more time for them to become successful. Time shall tell I guess.

My purpose in writing this is, I have chosen to take the Etsy challenge wherever it shall take me. If it doesn't work out, well I guess it was a good run. I love to craft and the point of the site is to share that craft. I have a good feeling about it, but I think that once you become a successful seller, you forget what it took to get there.

To all of you out there, good luck with your endeavors, happy crafting and live long and prosper.